Stack Day

There was much enthusiasm at Three Taverns today as our brewhouse roof was penetrated by 3 steam stacks bringing us ever closer to our maiden brew, now slated for the last OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAweek of May. Since we took delivery and assembly of our brewhouse several weeks ago, the stainless machine has been forced to sit idle amidst the surrounding work while waiting for the day we turn on the ignition and take it for a ride. As we hit the home stretch toward brewing our first batch of beer, the minutes pass ever slower and patience is wearing at Three Taverns, so a day when the iconic brewery symbol of stacks penetrating the roof was a welcome and energizing sight for construction weary eyes. The next two weeks will be a full court press to finish the install and fill the air around East Decatur with the smell of boiling wort and herbal hops. We're almost there!