A Silver Medal for A Night In Brussels IPA

As my beer nears commercial launch in 2013, I decided to enter what is likely my last official homebrewers competition. The 10th annual Brewmaster Open, sponsered by the Brewmasters of Alpharetta homebrew club, is one of the states largest and most formidable competitions. And I was most interested to see how our launch recipe, A Night In Brussels IPA, would fare in the always competitive Belgian Specialty category. A silver medal and the judges comments gave further affirmation of the market possibilities of this uniquely crafted American/Belgian-style IPA. While not a part of our launch New Monastic series of beers, Hoplicity, my American imperial IPA took home a silver as well in it's category. It too has a future with Three Taverns, but not in the early seasons while I focus on perfecting our Belgian-style (albeit with a twist) series of beers. I hope this news further wets your appetite for the launch of Three Taverns in May of 2013. Keep checking our posts and facebook updates as the design and build-out of the brewery accelerates in the next few months. Cheers and Transcendo Mediocris!